
Ask anything with no-code surveys

Build in-app popups with freeform text responses, multiple choice, NPS, ratings, and emoji reactions. Or use the API for complete control.

Screenshot of survey results in PostHog
  • reached a 25% response rate with surveys

    "I hate having to switch software. With PostHog, all our data and survey responses were centralized in one platform."

    Read the story


  • Question types

    Multiple choice, multi-select, numerical rating, emoji reaction, embedded links

  • Templates

    Choose from the library or start from scratch

  • Targeting

    Target by URL, user property, or feature flag when used with Feature Flags

  • Multi-step surveys

    Up to 10 questions

  • Link somewhere

    Send users to a webpage or invite them to book a meeting with a calendar invite

  • No-code? Yes. API? Yes.

    Using PostHog.js? No more code required. But want to create your own UI? Check out the Surveys API.

  • Aggregated results

    See feedback summarized and broken down per response

  • Slack notifications

    Send realtime survey responses to a Slack channel

  • Customizable wait periods

    Set a delay before a survey opens

Answer all of these questions (and more) with PostHog Surveys.

  • Would you like to book a user interview?
  • Would you like to be interviewed by our product team?
  • How would you feel if you could no longer use this product?
  • How satisfied are you with the support you've received?

Usage-based pricing

Use surveys free. Or enter a credit card for advanced features. Either way, your first 250 survey responses are free – every month.


No credit card required


All features, no limitations

Survey responses




Unlimited surveys
All question types
Multiple questions
Not included
User property targeting
User sampling
Custom colors & positioning
Not included
Custom HTML text
Not included
API mode
Results analysis
Data retention

1 year

7 years

Monthly pricing

First 250 survey responses
20k +


PostHog vs...

Customizable pop-ups
Live previews
Multi-step surveys
API access
Single choice questions
Multiple choice questions
Open text questions
Numerical rating questions
Emoji rating questions
Third-party link support
Target by property
Target by URL
Target by feature flag
Survey scheduling
Export responses
Slack integration

So, what's best for you?

Reasons a competitor might be better for you (for now...)

  • Forms
    • PostHog offers multi-step surveys, but they won't be full-page forms such as Typeform or Google Forms
  • AI-powered analysis or recommendations based on results
  • Limited formatting options

Reasons to choose

  • No-code surveys with customizable colors and removable branding
  • Automatic NPS score calculations
  • Robust targeting & integration with feature flags
  • Tight integration with analytics, experiments, and session replay

Have questions about PostHog?
Ask the community or book a demo.

Featured tutorials

Visit the tutorials section for more.

  • How to run a fake door test

    A fake door test is when you create a "fake" UI or experience for a product or feature you are thinking of building.

    Read more
  • Get feedback and book user interviews with surveys

    PostHog's surveys help automate the process of getting feedback and booking interviews. In this tutorial, we show how to set up surveys to do both.

    Read more
  • How to measure your NPS score in PostHog

    Asking NPS asking users how likely they are to recommend your product or service, so you can gauge product-market fit.

    Read more
  • How to create custom surveys

    Use the API to create a completely custom experience.

    Read more

Explore the docs

Get a more technical overview of how everything works in our docs.

Meet the team

PostHog works in small teams. The Feature Success team is responsible for building surveys.

Roadmap & changelog

Here’s what the team is up to.

Latest update

Dec 2023

PostHog 3000 launched

Today, after a beta for 50% of users, we’ve rolled out our brand new look. We call it PostHog 3000. It’s a complete overhaul of our UI, bringing with it a number of new features, and laying the foundation for further iteration in the future.

The core idea has been to redesign PostHog to work better for engineers by reimagining it as a developer tool. You can find out more about what that means exactly on the blog, but in short...

  • Keyboard navigation and new command palette
  • Improved data density and dark mode
  • Updated navigation and new sidebar
  • Improved search and in-app docs

Ready to give it a go? Login to PostHog to see the in-app welcome message and get more information on what’s changed.

Up next

  • Feature Success Analysis

    Bringing together different parts of PostHog (flags, replay, surveys) to allow users to better analyse the success of a new feature.

  • Users & recordings linked to feature flags

    We want to make it easier for those who use feature flags to get information on users attached to a particular feature flag, and gather more information on those users' experience through session recordings.


See more questions (or ask your own!) in our community forums.

  • Question / Topic

Pairs with...

PostHog products are natively designed to be interoperable using Product OS.

This is the call to action.

If nothing else has sold you on PostHog, hopefully these classic marketing tactics will.


PostHog Cloud

Digital download*

PostHog Cloud
People on G2 think we're great

by Kim K

*PostHog is a web product and cannot be installed by CD.
We did once send some customers a floppy disk but it was a Rickroll.

  • Select your cloud
  • Starts at:
    $0Free>1 left at this price!!

Hurry: Tons of companies signed up . Act now and get $0 off your first order.